Now how do we get Biden and the FAA to mandate full vaccination for all passengers?
Now how do we get Biden and the FAA to mandate full vaccination for all passengers?
Because, like a lot of mediocre white men, he’s failed upwards so much that he thinks he’s untouchable.
He’s saying a lot more than that.
Pissbaby Clay Travis is definitely a moron.
Wow. I don’t eat ANY of the Top 10 with any regularity. Part of it may be because I do public transport and don’t own a car, but the only one of those I have eaten at in the past year is McDonald’s. I would eat at Sonic, but the one by me got rid of all their benches and haven’t gotten it back.
Did he get busted looking at gay/trans porn?
Here’s my take, which I am perfectly open to revising, as this is off the cuff.
Yep. He became the people he used to rail on.
Bravo, good for dude. For me he is the Anti ahole Rob Parker.
J.R. Rider begins his comeback in 3.....2....1.
“I mean there are FACTUAL instances of the thin skinnedness of the trans community.”
Yeah, that Michael Richards was a real riot.
Nothing against this article, but this is definitely a “for my consideration” and veers super-heavily into YMMV territory. The success of the Bond formula seems to be that each entry (or lead) refracts back the feelings of the movie-goers at that time, through the lens of spy derring-do. And the Bond actor aligns with…
People go on about touchy-feely liberal clapter, but it’s always the edgy anti-PC crowd who give these tedious, preachy speeches. It’s the same kind of persecution complex that made late-period Lenny Bruce and Bill Hicks so exhausting.
You say that like it’d be bad thing.
Don’t get your hopes up. She’s merely tested positive for COVID.
Is caping for rich people who don’t know or care about you spiritually fulfilling? Does the taste of wealthy boots nourish your soul?
That seems like a lazy way to absolve oneself of the responsibility for one’s own comments, no matter how much they may contribute to a culture that devalues certain communities. I’m sure he’d defend Mike Richards’ need to speak recklessly too. Or Gilbert Gottfried.
Meanwhile he told Dolph Lundgren to let loose as Drago and wound up in the hospital for a week and a half. It’s almost like telling a jacked, 6'4" guy who happens to be a 4th degree black belt and European karate champ to punch you hard is a bad idea. (The fact that he’s got a legitimate masters degree in chemical…
I thought the margaritas were the “dessert menu.”