
Further proof that “Cancel Culture” isn’t real...

.....they have or had an open marriage. And the red table was because alsina opened his mouth. Plus, willow wrote a letter to Tupac, Jada’s over here with poems from the dude. For a dead guy, it must be tiresome for him to play such a big role in the family. For all the public doesn’t know about what is real, there

the actual murderer? You guessed it:

Definitely the funniest hypocrite, though.

Andrew Wiggins ain’t shit. If the Warriors compete this season, 100% depends on the health of Clay Thompson. Wiggins had a whole season to finally show up and play on a real team, and they couldn’t even get an 8-seed in the playoffs.

Agreed. That move massively upgrades their defense, upgrades their transition game, is at worst a net zero in ballhandling/playmaking, and gives them a potentially terrifying jumbo lineup with four 6'10+ former All-Stars (Simmons, Durant, Aldridge, Griffin) that can all handle, pass and shoot.

He kept ragging on OJ to distract from the fact that he was the real double-murderer.

To our bird watching friend in Central Park this is why you need to show these folks no mercy. The more leniency you show the more they think they are entitled too. They deserve none.

Time for Musk to engage “auto pilot”, if you catch my drift...

A text I sent to my NBA-watching friends this week: “What NBA star do you think is most likely to retire in their prime instead of getting vaccinated, and why is your answer Kyrie Irving?”

They are both terrible.

Get you someone who looks at you like Ayesha looks at Steph Curry 😂 

Salute Steph! My stanning for Lebron has not left me as much room to big up this dude. A few years ago my son pointed out to me that Steph is EVERYTHING I have always said I loved and respected in a player, yet I never praise him.....made me recognize. Here’s to the Gamechanger!

That was just the palette cleanser I needed right now; thanks for that Jay!

Ugh, agree. And it’s not so much “I personally won’t watch it then” and more “and no one should watch this because it’s just brain poison for the next generation of white guys.” We still have to live in a world with the people who like this horseshit even if WE don’t watch it. And that suuuuucks.

That thing that keep me up at night. They will absolutely try again, and next Republican they steal election for not will be anywhere near as lazy, erratic, uninformed, disinterested, and lazy as Trump. 

Yep - I’m tired of media outlets still calling it a “coup threat.”  This stuff makes it clear that it was a genuine attempt.

So basically, she’s Trump?  A black, female Trump, but nonetheless.  As I read through examples of her behavior, I kept having PTSD flashbacks to the last four years of Trump’s pettiness.

He DID do a very weird gothic horror movie in the 70s.  It’s called The Beguiled and is largely forgotten.  Try that one.