
Why has this seditionist not choked on his chicken yet?

She just wanted to make sure she married someone who would get along well with her family. 

Don’t forget the murder!  Er...manslaughter (per his conviction).

I’d like to think that all the chaos and disruption she caused with her ridiculous tweet might make Minaj reconsider being so foolish with her influence in the future, but who am I kidding?

The whole thing is nuts.

she alleges are being “used” to undermine “a smart woman” to make her look “crazy or stupid.”

Someone in that crowd will have their January sixth based bail revoked.

So what time is mom supposed to drop them off and pick them up?

It’s nice to know high school educated millionaires do their scientific research from the toilet just like my Facebook aunts.

Oh, go easy on her, she still needs time to do her own research.  /s

I want Eastwood to just throw us a curveball and star in some period drama. And I want him to give a tour de force performance. I want to hear people say “Wow, who knew this man who has played cops and cowboys his entire career could give such a riveting performance as Edward Longshanks?!" 

Dear god, this so much. I was struggling to put what I wanted to say into words, but “How many more of these old white guy morality plays do we have to watch?” sums it up perfectly. It’s been a good 15 years since I’ve felt like Eastwood’s variations on a theme re: white men felt even remotely fresh, and that was


This was such a needless waste of taxpayer dollars; thankfully it failed.

Larry Elder can go fuck himself.

Waste of 300 million dollars. Fiscally conservative my ass.

Elder: “Let’s be gracious in defeat.

“Let’s be gracious in defeat. We may have lost the battle, but we are going to win the war!” Added Elder: “We’ll drag this country kicking and screaming back into the dark ages if I have to put the chains on myself without any help!  Watch me shuck and jive!

On one hand, anyone well versed in the history of Jazz is not going to be impressed by what Kenny G does. On the other hand, maybe it’s unfair to hold every jazz musician to the standard of John Coltrane and the genre would be more popular if there was room in it for stuff you could appreciate without knowing what “syn

Kenny G and Josh Grobin are in the same mold for me. Not my taste, musically, but they are delightful in interviews scenarios. Very aware of their public image and not afraid to poke fun at it. Would it surprise anyone to know that Kenny G, Michael Bolton and Richard Marx are all friends?  Maybe they’re all

A: The category isn’t for Latin people it’s for Latin music, which are two separate things. One can play Latin music and not be a Latino.