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    If you ever get a chance, check out an interview she did a few years ago with Michael Beasley. She deftly handles his craziness, it’s pretty entertaining. 

    Oh brother, so you’re going with the whole how tough it is to be a white person ? How Bill Maher of you

    It’s pretty bad, she’s anti-vaxing which is kind of a big problem. The fact that she’s done horrible stuff is also relevant but who is giving her a pass on any of that ?

    Taylor Rooks is an appropriate name to bring up here because essentially ESPN, if they so choose could make Taylor Rooks into a huge star. She’s every bit as talented as Malaika Andrews, Maria Taylor, Rachel Nichols. She’s certainly an experienced interviewer and she’s an attractive women by any reasonable standard. 

    Really? sounds like you’re in the process of giving her a pass because suddenly you don’t mind what she’s saying? How Bill Maher of you

    The Trump comparison is apt, because we live in a period where fans of certain celebrities are less fans and more of a cult. You dare critique Trump, Minaj, Joe Rogan, the New England Patriots and you in cure the wrath of people who take it quite personally and respond with a childlike anger

    Excellent, now if they could just eject Jalen Rose and Jay Williams from their respective chairs they could really be on to something

    Here’s a couple of facts that Greg Prentice and we all need to know, The government in Heaven is socialist so.......also why hasn’t anyone informed me about the fish sandwich at popeyes ?

    Name an election on the state or city levels where a progressive candidate had an actual chance at winning but was pushed aside for a moderate ? Sure, in a perfect world we could have a 60 senators who are as progressive as Bernie Sanders but how exactly are they gonna get elected in places like Arizona, Las Vegas,

    The thing that interesting about so many of these lineman is how quickly after retiring that they return to some variation of normal after they quit playing football. Usually within the first 12 months they go from over 300 pounds to something in the vicinity of 200 to 220 which they stay at comfortably going forward.

    What time did their mommies pick them up ?

    He did make Sicario though which was pretty awesome

    Those kids are adorable

    I drank a bottle of scotch after Rush Limbaugh bit the dust, I haven’t even thought of how I’m gonna celebrate when this orange tub of goo leaves us. The only thing that could compete with that would be the Knicks winning the championship 

    Harris, Newsome, Gretchen Whitmer off the top of my head

    I would argue that his character was supposed to be that way in that movie, to kind of play off the outsized personalities of the bank robbers 

    She married a rapist so her judgement.....not so much

    My balls are the same size and luckily for me, so are my hands 

    I mean who would think that a woman who married a rapist could be guilty of bad judgement ????

    How many more of these old white guy morality plays do we have to watch. I mean, the ones he decides to star in are getting progressively more embarrassing. 90 year old men can’t fight, shoot they can’t even drive. I also don’t think the old racist who lives on the corner or in car has anything of value to teach me or