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    Did he refuse to get vaccinated ? 

    I’m just trying to work the mental picture of Nicki Minaj doing her own research 

    I guess he should have ate less red meat .........too soon ?

    Agreed, also C. Bad Bunny is garbage 

    I voted for the guy and so far I agree with about 75% of what he’s done but just in case we may need to prep Kamala Harris or Gretchen Whitmer for a 2024 presidential run

    I’m gonna be a bit of a guy here, I must say, if that picture is real then well done Britney, well done 

    If the rules are so catered to quarterback success, and I’m not saying they aren’t, then why isn’t Daniel Jones doing better ? Maybe guys like Brady and Patrick Mahomes are just really great

    Is it too late for me to start eating avocado ice cream, drink alkaline water and go to bed at 8pm ? 

    Does it really matter, do we need two Dakotas anyway ?

    That I am

    Thanks for contributing incel

    He wasn’t fired because of that, in fact I would speculate that they had already made the decision to not renew his contract by that time. And he certainly is a hall of fame worthy player, who just happens to spit terribly off base hot takes on NBA basketball. So basically Jay Williams but with a great career as a

    Seriously, why is this narcissist still relevant. Did Mommy not love Terrell enough ? He needs to get on with his life but he can’t because he’s desperate for attention. He’s very Candace Owens in that way

    Are you addicted to your adderall yet ?

    You do realize that your parents hate you and nobody likes you ?

    The bad news here is Steve Sarkisian is your typical gutless big time college football coach who will attempt to appease racist UT boosters and Greg Abbott for the next couple of years. The good news, he’s also got a track record of being a drunk and a failure as a head coach so when he gets fired in 4 years it will

    Shouldn’t you be picking up Joe Rogan’s dry cleaning right now ?

    I wouldn’t let her ruin my marriage, Brie Larson on the other hand.....

    Oh I think we have a pretty good idea what happened, he cheated on her with Olivia Munn and his wife filed for divorce. It’s pretty standard behavior, celebrity or just regular person

    Larry Elder is a dangerous buffoon, Californian’s need to get out and vote, not because Gavin Newsome is anything great but because the alternatives are horrendous. If anything the dems could primary him in a couple years