And in 3...2...1 cue all of the angry incels ....
And in 3...2...1 cue all of the angry incels ....
He was undoubtedly that but the only person who is gonna come through this story looking good is Monica Lewinsky and she is the only person who should
No good can come from carrying water for the likes of Donald Trump or Andrew Cuomo. When the crap hits the fan those doing the shielding always get it worse then those they’re shielding. Alphonso David is getting what’s coming to him for putting his political future in front of being a decent person
If you accumulate enough rats in one spot and then deprive them of their food source they begin to eat each other
LOL, what do you think Chet’s favorite dessert is ?
Tom Hanks needs to take Chet out in the woods somewhere, or maybe the middle of the dessert and just leave him there
John Oliver eliminated a bunch of people’s debt but beyond that what exactly do you want them to do other then point out things that so many people take for granted? What exactly has Bill Maher done in the past 30 years ?
They’re both very funny, not every person is a 50 year old white guy who wants to listen to Bill Maher drone on .......
I feel we are getting closer to the day where Candace Owens will just run into open traffic screaming “NOTICE ME !!!!”
Vaccines won’t save us but $12 salads that an unvaccinated stranger breathes on will ?
Get a cappacino
I mean, maybe I’m being reductive but then again, when they do the Bill O’Reilly movie someday or the Laura Ingraham movie they could have any person ham it up and I’ll probably be fine with it because you know....f them
Well, essentially there were two problems with Sasha, she was a little confrontational with our neighbors Yorkie and also, we had difficulty finding a litter box that she could get comfortable with.....
The most confounding player in the league. He can do just about everything at elite levels and he either can’t or isn’t willing to improve as a shooter. I’ve watched some dudes who were serious brick layers, (see Marcus Smart) who just by having the willingness to take a shear volume of shots have become a threat…
At the end of the day wasn’t Linda Tripp kind of a horrible person ? So you know, who cares
I loved her in that movie
Yes I’m sure he hates having enough money to buy a professional soccer team
There franchises, that’s all. Neither is to be confused Three Days of the Condor or Eye of the Needle
Redefining the spy thriller ? Overstate much ?
You do realize that Bourne came after James Bond ?