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    Cold blooded 

    Most of the people he compares to loud toddlers, Carlson, Ingraham, Trump, Alex Jones act like loud toddlers. If toddlers were really racist and pandering to other racists. At least Oliver is committed to making the world better as opposed to Bill Maher who is just looking for the right to say racist and sexist stuff

    She’s at NBC because they paid her a boatload of money

    They should be fine together, I think his opinion on the anthem was misguided but unlike others, he seems open to learning. Lets put it this way, I’d much rather work with Drew Brees then say Bill Maher who pretends to be a progressive but is a deep seated racist. That said, is Brees really short or is Maria Taylor

    Having lived in Boston for a period the only thing I can think of is Scott Zolak was just auditioning for the WEEI morning show .......or he’s just a terrible racist 

    Corden gets points for calling Bill Maher a dick, this however is a bit much

    I always assumed that Drake would prefer to tour the ESPN studios in Bristol and get a chance to holler at Antonetta Collins

    Hell no........

    Freaking Meghan McCain man......can you imagine that unmitigated gall it takes to sit on the sidelines wearing some 70's looking area rug for a dress and be so consistently wrong about everything?

    OJ Simpson and Ted Cruz weren’t available ?

    The Jerry Jones vax and don’t vax list. All Cowboys players, vaxed. All paying customers going to Cowboys home games, vaxed. Chase Young, preferably un-vaxed. Daniel Jones, preferably vaxed. 

    These conspiracy theories are idiotic and offensive but they will undoubtedly get Spike Lee a sit down with Joe Rogan in the near future

    What happens if I say Candyman twice and Beatlejuice once?

    I’m not sure if Noel has a winnable case but bully for him for trying because frankly, I find guys like Rich Paul who are player reps but seem to be more interested in servicing their most powerful client (Lebron James for any of you living on mars) over all others to be seriously conflicted. It’s no different from

    She’s a paper tiger, I’m starting to think she might have self sabotaged her way out of the Olympics, she doesn’t have the will to beat the top flight runners

    Candace Owens seems to have a lot of these, with this lady and with Trashcan Lanister as well. Which just shows how desperate she is for attention. I mean, the Geraldo Rivera vs Dan Bongino feud just seems like some personal beef between two horrible people whereas Owens seems like someone who is just certifiably

    So basically he’s Marjorie Taylor Green, if she could crank out 1,000 push ups on command. In all seriousness what’s with these damaged athletes from the 80's like Herschel Walker and Daryl Strawberry, who marry bat shit second or third wives and immediately become soulless loyal followers to whomever they played golf

    I’m intrigued, I’m pretty sure I’m gonna hate myself afterwards but I’m gonna try it nonetheless 

    Well, dunkin donuts is kinda terrible, unless you’re from Providence 

    Unless Dave Chappelle, Tariq Nasheed and Joe Rogan somehow ended up on this jury this horrible person is going to prison for the rest of his life