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    I’m looking forward to seeing it, Curry has been my favorite player for sometime now. I have to assume that some of the hate he received from others over the years was out of some misguided view that he grew up too comfortably in his formative years but he has definitely earned everything that has come his way. He

    Herschel is a dangerous hypocrite who would be a complete disaster holding any type of political office. Luckily for us, he’s a moron and unlikely to win a senate seat, in fact I doubt he even gets out of the starting gate once he see’s what’s required and the level of work he would need to put in just to launch a

    I’ve never been a big fan of Carmelo Anthony but George Karl has gone off the rails here. He’s made his feelings public in the past and clearly that should have been the end of it but this is bordering on stalking. Also, the whole dad subject is such bad form, it almost seems like Karl is self projecting his own

    Filed under missed opportunity, why didn’t HBO come up with Hard Knocks during the period when Michael Irvin was playing for the Cowboys ? 

    Hotep alert

    You’re either an idiot, Tariq Naseed or all of the above

    Their death rates from building collapses is super high though......you’re an idiot 

    Is Blake too cool a name for this doofus or just right ?

    He was a great running back and also a wife beating POS and a double murderer

    why are you so eager to defend a wanna be authoritarian ? c’mon man, the guy is basically putting people at risk out of petulance and as a way of appeasing Trump and you’re defending this dumbassery 

    Going to Yale and Harvard is no guarantee of intelligence, certainly not a lock for the type of competence it takes to run a state. At his base, DeSantis is a political hack and a bully

    He just won’t take the hint will he ? Unlike Trump or Matt Gaetz’s situation the democratic party from Biden to Pelosi to AOC has universally lined up and demanded his resignation and this creepy f*ck just won’t leave. they’re gonna have to drag him out of Albany

    A petty douchebag who will now make the rounds on the enabling talk show circuit, Joe Rogan...check, Bill Maher...check, Piers Morgan.....

    I devoured a bottle of tequila with utter joy after Rush Limbaugh’s demise. 

    Three showers seems a little “serial killerish” Certainly better then not showering at all but I think one is sufficient 

    Now I think we can answer the question, why is Quentin Tarrantino such a dick ? Next thing you know we’ll find out that Joe Rogan’s mother read the enquirer all day and smelled like shit 

    I mean first of all, not shocking that Trump continues to enter the depths of insanity and his cult still back him. They’ve totally lost touch with reality. The funny part is the forum, he really has hit bottom if he’s talking with Dan Bongino who is essentially Joe Rogan with low impulse control

    Best Meghan/Megan’s - Rapinoe, Markle, Rath, Thee Stalion

    you’re gonna hate wank?

    Carl Lewis is certainly as qualified as anyone to talk about and critique track and field athletes. And as someone who has seen the video of him singing he certainly knows a lot about shame