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    Well, you saved yourself at the end by asking that everyone get vaccinated 

    They need to bring back Whiskers R We

    If I never experienced Michael Che or Pete Davidson ever again that would be ok with me

    UHHHHHH, I was just reminded that this horrible woman is still alive and that Bari Weiss still exists .......I’m gonna need a drink

    To their credit, progressives and moderates alike are telling Cuomo that they want him gone but he’s not gonna go easily. That family man, they’re not as toxic and pathetic as the Trump family but they’re not far off

    What about Cynthia ?

    As a Knicks fan I’ve talked myself into a feeling of positivity about their offseason. Also a big shout out to Steph Curry who can now afford to buy an NHL team !

    Well played, The 2022 Los Angeles Lakers....brought to you by Icy Hot and Viagra 

    Is this show on cinemax ?

    Check out Ingrid Goes West which might be the signature Aubrey Plaza movie and also the signature movie about the ills of social media consumption 

    I just wanna know which old high school classmate that had no interest in Candace Owens when they were in school together destroyed this women ? This can’t all be about the grift can it ? Some of this seems so personal with her ?

    Just one look at him and hearing him talk for a few minutes no one can convince me that Tim Pool doesn’t still live with his parents and doesn’t eat swanson hungry man dinners for every meal?

    According to Clay Travis and his shit eating fan club the NBA was going broke ???? 

    She’s pretty awesome, I’m picturing her watching a game wearing a Suns sweatshirt surrounded by Walter Davis and Alvin Adams bobblehead dolls

    Since she may have some culpability in her roommates death, in fact she may have been responsible for it then I could really care less what she thinks

    I’m pretty sure that Diamond and Silk are angling to be in the next Tyler Perry movie playing Madea’s sisters 

    I thought they were gonna off Neil right there but them forcing him to be complicit in their plans seems like a pretty good punishment. Neil is almost as deplorable as Kevin 

    Ok Boomer

    Ok Boomer

    Nice passive aggressive attempt to discredit her accomplishments.