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    What’s amazing is how talentless some of today’s comedians are. I know guys like Che and Joe Rogan want to sell themselves as being edgy but their comedy game is so weak that they have to resort to saying horrible shit to get attention. And then if you dare to criticize them or anyone in their orbit they throw a fit.

    This seems like it could be terrible, on a different note I was losing it thinking that the Knicks were gonna tank the draft all together but I like some of their second round picks. 

    Patriotism is nonsense, in theory I love living here because it affords me the best opportunity to make a living and I have access to certain things I’ve become used to, good television, NBA basketball, baseball, take out food but in theory I could get all of these things living in Canada as well. Also, never feed

    Mila Kunis suddenly seems less hot...or maybe she might just be related to Johnny Depp or most of France 

    A room so frat bro-y that I’m shocked that Adam Baldwin wasn’t in the frame 

    I always was a bit out of sorts at the idea that the players were demonized and punished to the degree that they were for that melee. And make no mistake, while I certainly don’t condone players going into the stands to wail on unruly fans I have never understood what would make someone so angry that they would throw

    Giving any credence to Ronny Jackson or any person that appears on Sean Hannity is a bad idea. I mean, 4 years of covefe and irrational twitter fits and these folks want to question the next guys cognitive abilities ? 

    As horrible as it sounds when you actually attend a Yard Goats game, which I’ve done, you see the hats and t shirts and you must buy some

    Eric Clapton embracing stupidity isn’t a new thing, just don’t ask him to play Killing Floor

    The reason it needs to be addressed is because these are the same types of people that harass the Sandy Hook parents and stormed the capitol on January 6th. Sure it would be easy to ignore the dumb people but sometimes these same folks won’t let you ignore them. When a couple of these yahoo’s scream at me from their

    Who knew Megan Kelly had so many burner accounts ? 

    Maybe because he tried to get his record expunged so he could open a freaking bar. You do realize that he took out an eye of one of his victims ? I’m all forgiveness but I’m not about completely forgetting that type of violence 

    I mean at the end of the day she could have accepted her apology or gotten in the same room with her and determined whether she was being genuine or not? Now Taylor will get a substantial increase in pay but a job that may not carry the same visibility. Nichols will undoubtedly return to her normal position and most

    I think it’s ironic that Val Kilmer was once tasked with the job of portraying John Holmes 

    I know this isn’t the point but how can a woman who owns a gym look so unfit ?

    I thought the goatee was supposed to hide the double chin ? 

    Can we get Jay Connor back to write the basketball columns ? 

    The fact that somewhere Ben Shapiro is weeping while looking at his wife’s “body” makes this moment even more delicious 

    And somewhere Ben Shapiro is jumping up and down furiously shouting “NO, NO, NO NO NO ......” 

    To be fair, we should find out what the dog has to say about David Harbour