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    Tipping is based on service, not on how much they make. Good service equals good tips, bad service equals bad tip. It is NOT your job to help these people make a living if they don’t like the pay find a different job.

    Typical Liberal trash, I don’t like it so it should not be allowed and if you like you are stupid. I’m not smart enough to get a real job so I hate all of you that can afford something that I want.

    Don’t really give a shit about the fags

    People crossing our borders are invaders and should be shot once they cross.

    Tell them they can walk.

    You’re only for free speech as long as you agree with the message.

    Blacks destroy everything they touch, just like liberals.

    Does not really matter, I cannot afford insurance any more thanks to bama

    by breaking the lawThe parents are making the choice to be separated by breaking the law. I do feel bad for the kids for having such shitty parents. I in no way feel responsible for having to support those kids.

    you’re very misinformed. Typical liberal.

    Just tell them NEVER.

    So, the rich black, and browns don’t have to get solar on their new houses.

    Prince was a man?


    I won’t be going to any shop just because of the owners’ race, that in itself is racism.

    the only good illegal....

    Depends on the country, it’s not the requirement of the US. I travel all of the time and most countries want you to have a passport that is valid for 6 months from the time of entry.

    Only for states that give illegals DL.

    Grow up a deal with your problems. Don’t expect everyone to bend to you.