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    You do know that paper bags we used to use were biodegradable, compostable and renewable all those years ago when the environmentalist insisted that they be replaced with plastic. The current “biodegradable” plastic must be exposed to UV to degrade. Environmentalist cause this plastic bag issue. 

    You do know that paper bags we used to use were biodegradable, compostable and renewable all those years ago when

    Haven’t changed a thing and I’m perfectly healthy. I also don’t change my habits during flu season, which I’m more likely to die from.

    Demorats are the new fascists, They follow all of the tactics that Hitler brown shirts did.

    Me, and I would give everything to keep the demorats out.

    SO what you are really saying is that you are poor.

    What is your definition of homophobic?

    It’s a fact that you are a moron.

    NYC is a shithole.

    There should be no income tax. A flat fed sales tax is all that’s needed. No more IRS, no more people being paid under the table. More power to the man if he can make billions. Quit your crying snowflake and start earning your keep.

    Don’t like the job, find another one. Problem solved.

    I’m a “survivor” of all of the liberal crap. 

    I’ve discovered that rows 1-5 are usually the best service, avoid the 1st row, there is no place to put your stuff in front of you.

    A stupid article written by a moron.

    Your problems are not my problems. You were “downsized” because you are not good at your job.


    Tipping is based on service, not on how much they make. Good service equals good tips, bad service equals bad tip. It is NOT your job to help these people make a living if they don’t like the pay find a different job.

    Typical Liberal trash, I don’t like it so it should not be allowed and if you like you are stupid. I’m not smart enough to get a real job so I hate all of you that can afford something that I want.

    Don’t really give a shit about the fags

    People crossing our borders are invaders and should be shot once they cross.

    Tell them they can walk.