
If they are shot, drive the shoulder. Call an ambulance. Every teenie bopper that used daddy’s money to by a Mustang thinks that everyone should bend over backwards to accommodate their lack of respect for the speed limit? I Would love higher speed limits, go make a case to legally raise the limit. But I’m not going

On a 3 lane, Why should I go over in the right 2 lanes to accommodate a speeder, subjecting myself to barreling trucks carrying rocks and morons merging in and out when I have a hundred miles to go on the road just because THEY want to break the law. If they want to break the law, go around me.

Hey moron, speed limit is a speed LIMIT. IT is the maximum allowed on ANY LANE at ANY TIME. No “law” says otherwise. Stop being a douchbag that kills people on the road speeding.

SO... The speed LIMIT is THE FASTEST you can travel legally in ANY LANE at ANY TIME. The left lane is not reserved for criminals. On a TWO lane highway, it is courtesy to leave the left for passing only unless sign saying “left lane for passing only”, then you must leave it for passing only. On THREE lane highways,