Joe the Tech

Yeah, the new base power system seems like a misstep. It’s just another hurdle to establishing a base, and not much of one. Either you get lucky and have somewhere to put an EMG, or you plunk down a few solar generators and batteries and forget you ever needed power in the first place. I’ve found the biomatter

Ridiculous lawsuit or not, it was effective. As many ridiculous lawsuits are, sadly.

That, and Iron Maiden felt their font was too close.

Isn’t this the studio that got sued for trying to call the game Ion Maiden? Almost seems like they’re making intentionally bad decisions to seem edgy and/or drum up press.

Deep down, I secretly hope that of most games.

Looks intriguing. Hopefully the trailer didn’t spoil too much.

I thought King’s Bounty: Crossworlds was pretty good, and really just wished it were multiplayer. It played very similarly to the Heroes of Might and Magic games, but exploration was real-time and not turn-based, making the game flow much more smoothly. I’m actually excited to see what they do with a proper sequel.

I could be wrong, but I think those are more like Fleshlights.

Yeah, the Disney movie doesn’t really count, regardless of how much I personally like it.

I’m of a similar opinion. It’s why I always recommend Chronicles of Prydain to young adults looking for good fantasy novels.

Cool. Gonna start calling them Metro Android Castle Transylvanias now instead.

I recently discovered this exact phenomenon with this year’s RPG Limit Break. If anybody reading this hasn’t heard of it (I hadn’t), but has a love for old-school C/JRPGs, I implore you to go watch their VODs on YouTube. What started as a quick “Huh, you can beat Earthbound in a couple hours” turned into a week of

Peter’s relatively infrequent stints as guest editor are always amazing. He’s somehow got a finger straight on the pulse of my childhood, and it’s amazing to read someone else’s perspective that so closely matches my own. Also, he’s a great writer.

The music for Crystalis was incredible. Easily some of the best arranged pieces on the NES.

My wife watched Chernobyl last week and wouldn’t stop talking about it, so I started up STALKER: Call of Pripyat. It was too easy and I beat it in a couple days. So, I installed the Anomaly mod for it and it’s kicking my ass. I’m addicted to this ass-kickery at the moment.

Honestly, I’m just jealous you got to chat with Leonard Boyarsky. Dude’s been a personal hero of mine since his Interplay days. Also, still waiting to hear if The Outer Worlds has an inventory system.

I think I only have one question: is there an inventory? Please tell me there's an inventory.

You must gather your party before venturing forth.

Zacian and Zamazenta