Joe Momma


This gets all the stars.

Unlike Republicans whose definition of sanctity of life extends from conception to birth, we give a damn about those who have already been born.

I’m liberal. I’m pro capital punishment, presuming we are 100% certain we have the correct person. I’m also in favor of women being able to safely take responsibility for their reproductive health with their physicians and not Congress. I’m not in favor of demanding a benefit I’ve actively campaigned against everyone

Let’s be clear here, Ryan’s demand as hypocritical as it is is just a symptom of a bigger problem. For a long time now our Congress has been working for less than half the year. This is what people need to get pissed about.

I’m not trying to excuse him, but Ryan’s demand was to not be forced to spend most of that

God, I wish I could star this a thousand fucking times.

I’ve just learned that on November 8th 2016 President Obama is planning on confiscating guns from anyone who leaves their homes. Please encourage any Republicans you know to stay home and not leave the house on Tuesday November 8th 2016 if they’d like to keep their guns.

He is hardly working. The House schedule has just 126 workdays this year. 126! And those are mostly 10AM - 3PM hours. The rest of the days are classified as “district work days,” which is Congress-speak for paid days off to collect raise lots and lots of bribes money.

This is exactly it. And he has deluded himself, like a lot of Republicans and right-wingers who work in state and federal government, that he’s entitled to everything he gets because he’s working hard. The poors are obviously lazy because if they weren’t, they would at least have a nice middle class job with health

He’d never get away with that demand if he had a uterus.

Who is he kidding, kids at that age do not want to hang out with their parents.