Antonio Brown is the straw that stirred the drink, just listen to his postgame comments. Alot of guys will feel lastnight’s game for awhile. I believe the officiating was the worst ive seen this year on both sides. Did not see Steeler numbers but the Bengals had like 165 yds of penalties? Thats about a 15 yarder…
Legal hit i guess but clearly couldve targeted lower. He had a shot and he took it. The standing over him is what NFL fans have come to expect from the Steelers and Antonio Brown basically confirmed it. Ju Ju apologized like a man who will have to see #55 a few more times.
I am talking about social issues not on the field. He said if he was black he would’ve gotten dragged through the mud.
So when Josh Gordon is given chance after chance after chance while someone like Johnny Manziel sits unemployed I guess it’s because he is black? No one argues racism doesn’t exist but it is morons like you who are so misinformed of what is what...when Josh Gordon is given chance after chance after chance while…
Daryl strawberry, Dwight Gooden , Josh Gordon, Michael Irvin, Dave Parker the ljst goes on and on of black players afforded more chances than this coach... yes racism exists, yes things arent the way they should be but stop saying stupid shit.
Because she is a prostitute. And she extorted someone. And released a video to the public for absolutely no reason. Think she (or you for that matter) has the first clue why players are kneeling? Not the same reason she kneels for sure.
What do you mean by “these folks”? Im offended.
He has problems w players kneeling? Please provide background into that. What do you think she paid in taxes last year? Lets talk about the system and how it has oppressed her. She extorted him and he probably said kick rocks. We call this blowing up the spot.
Um, yes you can. You can obliterate them in fact. Ask her what she paid in taxes last year is a start.
And she extorted him after he treated her like what she was. The dude appears to have serious issues indeed, but she is a hooker who took advantage of a guy who has addiction problems. I guess all of this flies perfect for you, mr perfect. This is the world we live in, some low life hooker extorts a person and frames…
Who cares ya dipshit move along. You mean like exactly what you are doing now?? Can the guy try to help even just one person without you giving you 2 cents that makes you look petty. Tom Petty.
🤦🏻♂️ This comment is whats wrong in the world today. But whatevers your thing pal.
If you have ever been in a hurrican relief effort you’d know thats not necessarily the case my friend.
How is he scum? Because he plays a violent sport violent? Curious to know your answer, as you seem to know him.
Vontaze is not even close to Pac Man as far as off the field behavior, ive never heard of any incidents involving off field crap. He is just a menace on the field, they called that Dick Butkus back in the 60's and 70's.
Burfict is like the guy who you played tackle football in the backward with when you were a kid and he just went as hard as he could 110 percent of the time.Every tackle is as hard as he possibly can. He Sometimes he is dirty, other times its just him not letting any freebies go by. Either way if you think that play…
The NFL doesnt wrap up. Thats 75 percent of the problem.