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    Jordan had a better Finals performance AND won the game.

    Grow some then.

    Problem is, he should’ve called them FILTHY animals and if you have a problem with calling people who have no problem doing the nastystuff they do animals then you and the liberal media have problems.

    You are also very confused

    Lets not forget,they are ANIMALS

    Nope, and the silent majority is still sick of the liberal agenda. News flash, today’s youth will mature and grow up and think differently so these lil CNN puppets will only replace yesterday’s youth.

    Yeah come and get shown back where you came from with your political agenda. AZ doesn’t want or need your liberal puppet show. And while you’re at it, take these nut job commenters below with you!

    Wow, must be the worst write up on this phone i’ve read. I really don’t get why Iphone lovers try to “review” any phone other than an iphone. The hypocrisy and bias, and FALSE claims are all asinine.