

God I love that we're still having arguments about who is and isn't punk in the year 2017.

I may not agree with their politics, but I can't get me enough of that sweet, sweet mysoginistic sound.

Yeah, I've sort of given up on trying to be "with it" and have resigned myself to being a bit behind the zeitgeist, and I'm not regretting the decision; it might be harder to start conversations about culture with people, but you also get to avoid a lot of hysteria. The only time I broke my rule this year was with Linc

Is that the one with De Niro or or Knoxville? I always get it mixed up with Dirty President.

Back when I was somewhat more unemployed I got into a few competitive CCGs, and it was pretty useful for watching tournaments or learning from more experienced players doing livecasts. I'm not saying this was a particularly healthy use of my time, but it served its purpose well enough.

Are you talking Last Chance U: season 2 to me?

I'm no Maher fan, but I don't get the outrage over this. It's obviously meant as a joke over the senator's awkward phrasing, and it was arguably worth it to watch the dude squirm. Idunno, I probably would have laughed.

"What is this crap, Parker? I can see the pixels!" -J. Jonah Jameson

We have always been at war with PWR BTTM.

YOU'RE just dicks

Dude, I really have no idea what point you're trying to make. Do you really think a "jam band pioneer" is more in the A.V. Club demographic's area of general interest than a member of Boston? They obviously can't report every single obit, and they made a choice to include this guy and not somebody who, from the sound

I'm part of the silent majority that likes Hatesong, but this one looks like all the worst excesses of the feature. How can you take on an easy and willing punching bag like Trainor and come off so pretentious and unfunny?

Are you suggesting that life exists outside of Silicon Valley? HERETIC!

Look, the truth is that every generation is basically full of the same dumbshits with access to different technology, but if we acknowledged that there'd be nothing to read about on the internet.

Suck it, four-eyes!

I call dibs on Marlowe fighting zombies or some bullshit

It's not like the 1990 version is a masterpiece or anything, but I like that Tim Curry's Pennywise isn't an "edgy" evil clown type, it's sort of doofy looking and… off, which is somehow more unsettling. That being said, the clown is handled pretty well in this trailer, methinks.

Awful trailer made by hacks. Didn't even use Modest Mouse's "Float On" at any point.

Wreck-It-Ralph 2: A Series of 2bes