
My puns come to nothing. My AV Club commenting now just seems a waste of time.

(Somebody was) Smokin! (when they decided this would be a good idea)

But if you're in Vietnam, then you're the minority, so you have to kill YOURSELF.

fagit?! I hardly even know it!

I mean, we're talking about Billy Eichner in a role where he's exaggeratedly obnoxious… I think he can manage it.

Honestly he's right. "Hello" sounds autotuned as shit. Visconti knows what he's talking about and shouldn't have apologized. Maybe it's not Adele's fault that happened but the studio recording is garbage.

I'll admit that when I first read the phrase I thought it pretty succinctly described that kind of obnoxious internet slacker who cannot take a joke, and will jump on any minor opportunity to fly into a self-righteous but ultimately ineffective tirade. The "warrior" part has gradually lost its original irony, and the

I remember watching the news when Romney lost, and some conservative pundit said almost verbatim "the Republican party has a Hispanic and woman problem." I can't imagine these "problems" won't just be compounded for Trump. The only thing I'm slightly scared of is bitter Hillary haters defecting in enough numbers to

To be fair, she said it sounds like an outtake from "Pornography". Legend has it that Robert Smith cut a bunch of peppy Jackson 5 covers for not fitting thematically.

*Nathan Rabin dashes for telephone booth*

My most popular comments are always the ones I'm the most ashamed of, so by that reasoning the upvotes on this should be breaking at least four digits by now.

Thnks fr th MRAs


If I can't see Obama's birth certificate, how do I know he's not from the Temple of Gozer dimension?

I never understood the appeal of this band until I, just now, looked at the release date — making stuff like this in 2000 was visionary, but now you can find 5,000 other people doing the same thing on the Youtube front page.

This article has a Nabin-Count of three, which is how many paragraphs in he can get without bringing up Juggalos.

Modern skinhead culture is really confusing to me, and a lot of these bands can pass their nazi-ish symbolism off as kitsch when they need to, and oops, we just happened to a attract a bunch of racists to the show! It looks like there was some gross shit going on in this case:…
