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Delete your account, Internet
This is super old news. Didn't Bouchard already admit this sometime around season 1?
He was also in Blue Man Group. Seriously.
Anyone else find themselves preferring the Jackson Publick episodes lately? In the early seasons I think Doc Hammer's characterization and almost sitcommy feel was really important in developing the voice of the show, but at some point Publick learned all of his tricks and paired it with awesome action and pacing.…
Cool story: I opened your link in another tab while listening to the Jesu/Sun Kil Moon collaboration album. I eventually realized your site was playing music and closed it. It was much more interesting before I did that! You should give Justin and Mark a call! (I'll also try listening to your stuff by itself later,…
I see no evil in an innocuous period piece about the era.
I've been to some shows in Brooklyn where I see cassettes on the merch table and it's totally mind blowing to me. I'm old enough to remember making mix tapes and it was surely more fun than just throwing together a spotify playlist, but actually buying new music on those things is insane.
I thought it's called "Baby O'Riley"
Cheesy as fuck, but I kinda love it, and it's a go-to karaoke jam for me. The pained quaver in his voice throughout the entire thing is so hilarious.
"Douchebag" is a sanitary product, so it's actually a compliment.
Less resale value, I guess.
I think this one was T&E's attempt to make a Black Mirror episode. A serious psychodrama with themes of traditional social institutions clashing with advanced technology, fear of public humiliation, etc. Then throw in a bunch of jizz jokes and you got yourself a Tim & Eric production!
I have to say, I was also a bit nonplussed when they swapped out the original showrunner for the antichrist.
Bought this (NSFW) Italian prog album based on the cover. Can't remember if I've actually listened to it.
I LOVE the Drake-Meek Mill feud! How can you not like the Drake-Meek Mill feud? The Drake-Meek Mill feud is good!
I recognized every song used in the first track, which is unfortunate since one of those songs is Beverly Hills.
Yeah I hate this song as much as anybody, but whining about how it's "pop" and not "rock" comes off as deluded elitism. A shitty rock ballad is still rock.
I'm frequently caught defending "pretentious" experimental music to some of my friends, but Zappa comes off as really smug and unlikable to me. "Hey, did you all know I have a 172 IQ? Beat that, hippies! Anyway, here's some musique concrete I made from fart noises and some novelty doo-wop covers."
Man, The Fall is a big one for my because I usually love all things in that post-punky vein. They're listenable, but nothing about them really grabs me; I think you have to buy into the Mark E. Smith cult of personality. I don't really get why Pavement are constantly accused of ripping them off either, that sounds…