

Good job @gaywonk, your authoritarian BS with brigading, calls for doxxing, calls for throwing milkshakes, and what not, should earn you DOUBLE virtue points.

Welcome to 1984, #SocialismIsForFigs


Good job @gaywonk, your authoritarian BS with brigading, calls for doxxing, calls for throwing milkshakes, and what not, should earn you DOUBLE virtue points.

Welcome to 1984, #SocialismIsForFigs

*plays smallest violin*

w00t w00t!!!!

Thank you Kotaku for being a bunch of censorship police ... you allow cursing, but the minute someone says something that could be taken as potentially offensive you censor it. All HAIL the Golden Calf that is Political Correctness and Social Justice. THOU SHALL NOT POTENTIALLY OFFEND SOMEONE REGARDLESS OF <WHATEVER>

Cool, another triggered NPC! Probably crying “But muh -ism...” every time you see Mr. Popo and those eyes of his that remind you how lowly of a maggot you are in the pecking order.

Eh... you should look at yourself in the mirror sometime. Trolling with your bigoted and racist attitude.

I see them Troll’n ... I’m laughing. Cuz I’m white and nerdy!

What kind of stupid crap is this?