omg this!! Like why would you not just donated your own product?
omg this!! Like why would you not just donated your own product?
haha totally. I guess I was talking more about the marketing from an aesthetic perspective. I think the ads that were in the subway and the visuals for her brand are really beautiful. The emails are waaaaay too much and I feel like its part of her effort to remain “youthful” but she is trying waaaaay to hard.
I think its less of a white saviour thing and more of a knowing that this kind of saviour complex SELLS. She might not know how to run a business but she knows how to market one and I think she has said numerous times she thinks social minded businesses sell better. I think she honestly gives no fucks about girls in…
same! I refuse. And there are other better people doing what she is doing who deserve my money.
She doesn’t give a fuck about the cause unless she can profit from her. She’s a huckster of the highest order.
That interview is great. I heard she was pretty pissed about it which makes me giggle.
I can concur. I met with her and have never rolled my eyes harder for longer.
she is the WORST. She makes everything about HER. She thinks she is the reason menstruation has come to the fore as an issue (no doubt THINX has helped but there are others on the ground doing work not using the cause to make a profit and actually changing policy) and she is quite honestly the most self centred person…
How is pointing out her very hypocritical stance on American manufacturing not a substantive criticism?
Pretty sure those are pantyliners but I could be wrong.
my thoughts EXACTLY
Melody is a friend so I wholeheartedly support this decision. She is a bad ass and sweet as pie, give her your monies!