
I overheard my four year old drop the f-bomb once. I wasn't shocked, as I am not very good at editing myself, and I swear A LOT. I told her it was a bad word, and that if she said it at school she would be in trouble. She replied. "I don't. But sometimes, in my room, I whisper it."

Oh please. They aren't protesting, or trying to rally in her defense. The reason other "teenagers" are following her lead is because she gained a bajillion followers after her tweet.

This is one of my biggest pet peeves! I cringe anytime I see a desktop covered in icons.

When I had my children, I knew I wanted to stay home but at the time, my husband and I were both working full time and couldn't afford it. So we came up with a plan. My husband started an independent contracting job, and I quit my full time managing job to be a part time assistant manager, and our income stayed the

I like the idea, but the leaning bottles would really bother me I think.

I'm actually in tears right now...I have three children, 8, 6, and 4. Seeing that picture, I know what the expression on that boy's face is without having to see it, and it's breaking my heart. I just want to give him a hug and tell him everything will be okay. Horrible

I had this baby pool for my kids also. I was admittly shocked and amused at the difference between the picture and the actual pool, but my kids enjoyed it anyway. Anyone who trusts the picture on the box of a children's toy hasn't had children very long.