
This is exactly right. My kids are constantly asking to buy games in the e shop on their ds, and I always tell them they are more than welcome to give me the money to pay for it, but to think about what else they could use the money for. Generally, they opt to save

Mic drop. You’re the best :)


Thank you

Congrats to you and your husband as well. Thanks for understanding

It was early

Thank you. I’m glad you and your husband worked it out and stayed together, and you are absolutely right. No one but you and your husband knows what happens in between the events that you tell your friends about. They hear the super good, and the super bad, but they aren’t there when you work through it with countless

It doesn’t make it the more adult option, but the article isn’t “how to choose therapy before you decide to cheat on your partner”

Love you.

Exactly. If he couldn’t get over it and learn to trust me again, then we shouldn’t be together. And that would be a completely understandable reaction. Fortunately we were able to rebuild the trust.

Well luckily I’m not married to you. Every relationship is different. We are still married, super happy, and proud of how hard we worked to get here. And honestly that’s all that matters to me.

He definitely has the right to be angry, but no relationship can survive grudge holding. In any situation where one person seriously hurts the other, you have to get over it, or leave. Period. You work through it together, and we work through it constantly. Stuffing down feelings is what led to the mistakes. Not

You are totally right. It was always on his mind. We had to deal with it, but in a healthier way. So we learned to say “ what you are doing right now is bringing up bad memories, and it hurts and it sucks. Let’s talk about it. “

I’m sorry if it comes across that way, but we are very open and honest about that whole period in our lives. Pretending like it didn’t happen or tiptoeing around it would only minimize the impact it had. We’re both pretty matter of fact about it now.

Thanks for that. :) I’ll let my husband and my kids know I’m an asshole for making a mistake but sticking around to work hard and fix it.

No lid. There was a lot of anger that we had to deal with, and we learned that pushing it down only makes it worse. We communicate a lot better now.

Shutting him up is so far from what actually happened. We both had to learn how to actually communicate about our issues, instead of just silently fuming and lashing out unexpectedly. He had every right to be mad, and every right to stay mad. That’s totally understandable, and if he had left me, I would have been sad

I don’t think I ever wanted to... The opportunity presented itself, and I took it. It was exciting and different. My husband and i had been slowly growing apart from each other for years without even noticing. But the affair was not worth the constant fear and anxiety. Every time my phone rang I would be racked with

Lol. We’re broke. The whole reason he found out was due to money issues. Long story.

I guess I should clarify. We’d been married for seven years when I cheated. Three kids, youngest was barley a year old. Our marriage was in trouble, and I cheated. It almost ended my marriage. I moved out, and we started therapy. Therapy is what really saved my marriage, but we’d have never gone if I hadn’t cheated.