
I mean, it was funny when it happened to Kat because she was so arrogant but this one made me feel bad.

The only quit that I haven't had a problem with at this point in the show was Jenna Morasca in All-Stars. I don't know why she was there to begin with if she knew her mother was dying but it is what it is. I don't have a huge problem with Tony because I know that he is set up to fail and seeing that will be glorious

This is what they've been doing a lot in the past few seasons. They usually start the jury at 11 now and they now merge at 11.

This might be the worst quit in Survivor history. Even worse than Colton, NaOnka/Purple Kelly, and Osten. I could go on and on about how so many people try to get on this show who would never quit but it's been said before.
I feel that they definitely made the smarter decision to get rid of Jeremiah because Alexis was

But it's my bar mitzvah! We were going to grind!

Best new comedy of the season and one of the best first seasons of a sitcom since Arrested Development. Everyone was in top form this week and I already can't wait for Season 2.

The idol move wasn't a dumb move, it was an overplay, but it wasn't a dumb move. Malcolm definitely should've looked to break up the Stealth R Us alliance and he would have had he not outright told the players who his alliance was voting out.
His move at the merge backfiring was not at all his fault. He had a solid

Okay then, good sir, enlighten me. Tell me what "big dumb moves" Malcolm made.

I don't remember Malcolm ever making dumb moves. I remember him getting screwed by dumb people (Corrine and Eddie).

I would not be mad if he won.

I was completely stunned when Tony flipped but then I realized that this move is completely Tony. It's all about the big move to him. I wonder if Tony and LJ had a talk before tribal because LJ seemed REALLY confident in him. The Brains tribe is a guaranteed merge and it will be interesting to see how they do post

I remember on one of the commentaries for this season where they mentioned that they were unsure of what episode to submit to the EMMYs. They considered this one and Bart Sell His Soul because they of the more emotional plots but instead went with the Treehouse of Horror episode because of the 3D segment. They ended

Only character arc of Season 2? Do you not remember the whole Chang baby thing?

"I don't know much about girlfriends but I'm pretty sure you don't have one anymore."
This guy needs to be on more shows.