
There are a zillion good reasons why neither one of these people should be president, but it’s not gonna work on anyone who wants to say shit like “I live in a solidly blue state, so I have the luxury of voting with my conscience and choosing the candidate I think is best fit for the job, and that’s Dr. Stein.”

The words spray painted on the building were spelled correctly. It might not have been a Trump supporter.

Is it horrible and reprehensible that I immediately went to ‘false flag’ on this?

I appreciate and respect the sentiment, the bravery, and the integrity in taking a stand even in the face of violent opposition.

Now playing

You must not know ‘bout Bey. That’s nothing. She had her hair sucked into a huge fan while she was singing “Halo” but she just kept on singing the song perfectly while her people tried to figure out how to unattach her from the machinery.

Let me add that I took all the antibiotics, drank some gross medicine for the pinworms, and got back to my regularly-scheduled routine of regular showering, probiotics and pH-balancing and my Special Snowflake came back more resilient than ever.

“I’m so very sorry, but when we were stitching you up Dr. WTF sewed his finger to your labia. It didn’t worsen the tear, but fluids mixed and we do need to do an HIV test. After we re-sew.”

Okay so it’s not really “gross” and I probably told this story before, but it’s still hilarious to me.

starred for the word “squit” which i am stealing and using forever

i really like her and think this is a good response. critical but not harsh

Publicity make-over 98% complete. Really looking forward to the People Magazine cover photos of the wedding. The Minivan Majority was very quick to forgive Dudebro because, you know, “boys will be boys!”

Meanwhile, on Fox News.....”Trump Finishes Strong”

NO HE DOESN’T! He has the best septum. It’s exemplary. His doctor wrote a note about it and everything saying it was the best septum he’d ever seen.

It is an absolute embarrassment to our country that this man has been elevated to be the Republican candidate for the Presidency. The Republicans themselves should be abashed, and should atone for their sins for years to come.

Uh huh, because some people are told if they leave they will lose their job and they are poor enough that they stay because they must. Or they have no transportation. Or they have no money for fuel to leave. Or they just got leave as of today and are stuck on the highway like my brother, his wife, and their five

Yeah, rich people problems is “What type of champagne should I serve at the party?”. This was an actual ordeal.

not a single person deserves the kind of treatment she received

Sarandon is one step from batshit. All for Sanders people taking their passion to the convention, but people like her have enabled lots of plebes to feel holding their vote from Clinton is somehow moral. When the reality is that none seem to have matured past the ego of their enlightened first semester of freshmen

I’m not a fan of any type of a woman who so poorly represents Bernie supporters as deranged and women as irrational. *Also* would rather support Trump than Hillary and went on a #NeverHillary campaign. No thank you! Go back to your ping pong crazy sue.