
On this very site, people were very loudly insisting that yelling and throwing things during a fight are not in any way abusive behavior. So, I can’t imagine what other sites comment sections are like.

I was just reading some comments about the Depp/Heard story on other sites and I’ve concluded that a video could emerge of Johnny Depp repeatedly punching Amber Heard in the face, and the internet would still declare her to be a gold digger who deserved it.

So fucking depressing.

wow, who sank your Titanic

Dang. She was pretty badass in real life too.

[note: i had no idea this was going to get so long, feel free to not read. its basically that I am grateful and proud of hillary clinton and she’s falling on the sword for women]

Agree, and I think RuPaul makes a great point with this. Anyone who comes from a position of always existing outside of traditional systems of power has to be exceptionally diplomatic and compromising if they want to ascend within it. This isn’t necessarily selling out or corruption, but it’s a strategic understanding

here for his dope understanding of what it takes to be a woman/minority and get to the position of power Hillary is in. You think all those republicans or progressives who try to act like Hillary is this corrupt ass person because she works with people instead of running away from anyone with opposing views have ever

Or do you want a badass bitch who knows how to get shit done?

BTW the one I’ve gotten so far is a really strong start.

We are not giving those men at that disgusting “website” our hard-earned traffic created by our male servant Bobby Finger

He’s the only guest ever banned from returning to the Daily Show. Now, personality conflicts can arise without someone being “the bad guy”, but John Stewart seems like one of the most magnanimous people in the business, so if Grant pissed him off, that much, he must be a huge, huge asshole.

I’ve Performed at the Super Bowl and Hillary Clinton’s Presidential Nomination and All You’ve Done Is Sit On Some Ugly Rocks With an Englishman

Players themselves have said that some of them prefer the bikinis. They’re more comfortable, allow for better ease of movement, and they stay cooler.

Agreed. He’s saying that a) he will be her first so b) might as well do it now and c) I'm kind of a dick

Now playing

Ok, but Rose and Cal were totally fucking. 1) Like Kelly mentioned, he said he thought Rose would come to him the previous night, 2) after Cal flips the breakfast table, he says that Rose is his wife “in practice if not by law”, and 3) this deleted scene:

He is performing the Oral Sex.

It actually wasn’t them in the car at all. It was Billy Zane and his henchman.

which one of the staff is margot robbie’s character? it’s bobby, right?