
The team of announcers and the studio crew for the FOX world cup coverage was awful to put it mildly. Its a shame that they didn’t bring in Toby Charles for the final...he would have made it magical

personally you can toss all of the “craft” beers out the window and serve me a coors light. I know its not popular with beer enthusiast, but a watered down old man beer is great on a hot day when I’m at my favorite dive bar in florida.  

for christ sakes, why would anyone want to go to a day game in the summer, or just summertime game in miami. the marlins had to build a dome due to the poor attendance that was attributed to the heat and humidity (and that they suck). 

David Cross as steven miller and Danny Trejo as the chef they are trying to deport

Cargo Shorts 3 - What is that stain?

Kegger - a dad goes to parents weekend and attends his son’s frat party...shenanigans ensue...would be extra special if Todd Phillips writes and directs with guest appearances from Will Ferrell, one or both of the Owen brothers, the cast from the hangover and Mathew McConaguhey as the dean...a comedy blockbuster in

It was an absolute shit storm, everyone got pissed.

I wonder if trump grabbed him by his pussy?

and trump motorboating his tits, classic...gentlemen (i say that sarcastically) lube up and start stroking

Meth, it does a body good!

and CA receives annually around $3.3B in federal fuel tax, with 60% of the funds going to southern cal.

“earmarks no longer exist, they are now known as programs with a dedicated funding source

infrastructure resources were destroyed by the republicans and their oath grover to not raise taxes. they complain about the poor conditions of the transportation network and yet refuse to ensure that it is properly funded to maintain and improve existing facilities...legalize pot and add a federal tax on it then

Did she order the #2 to go?

she will be screaming “I’m the victim of a brown working in my neighborhood”. F’n twat, thanks must be expressed to the orange skin tag of DC for setting the bar so low that ass wipes like this feel empowered...what will she do when the lawn crew shows up?

I wonder if Tomi or whatever the fuck her name is realizes that she is nothing more than spankbank material for all of the “real, red blooded american men” watching her...her career is toast once her face starts to sag from all of her vitriol and she begins to resemble droopy dog face kellyann conway 

and the investigation team

she’s only ginning up her base to increase ratings that land new advertisers

maybe she can team up with Alex Jones and promote his snake oil drops

1st amendment only counts if you agree with my agenda...what the f has she or any pundit ever contributed to society? the 24-hour news cycle only promotes vitriol and ugliness that we see today...