
“Il Douche”

Seriously? They talked about the dumb traction-free email server for years despite the complete nothingness and people’s absolute aversion for it except for the screeching right-wingers. The media CHOSE not to lay into Trump on any of his many, many many many scandals, crimes and lawsuits.

I was on a date with a woman and we were talking about how I take antidepressants. She asked if I’d tried “healing my depression through alternative medicine”. I told her, “no, because if I tried ‘healing my depression’ through ‘alternative medicine’ my next step would be painting the walls with my brains.” I have

Because misogyny, as pointed out, but also because narcissism.

At this point I believe nothing that comes out of his mouth or his Twitter feed. He lies constantly. I can’t believe his moronic followers don’t see it.

Trump won’t be impeached. It simply won’t happen and we have to accept it. The Republicans are terrified of him, and likely there are people in his administration who are drawing up dirt on every single member of congress to be used against them if and when it becomes necessary.

Some people simply shouldn’t have children. If 99% of people either resisted societal pressure to have kids or waited until they were emotionally stable and financially prepared before having them, we’d crush poverty within 20 years.


I’m still in shock ANY of these assholes are forming a government while we are all looking on helplessly. Obama has literally left the country, Hillary has beamed off the planet and back onto the USS Defiant and even the Pope has no Nice Things(TM) to say anymore. We’re just going to sit around and wring our

Which leads us to Plan L.

Professional protesters are protesting him, only the best protesters, tremendous protesters.