Freud was right

So I have a slightly different take on this; I’m plus size, and sirens a lot of time making sure my clothes hang in a flattering way. My mid section is my worst bit. No matter what you wear, if you then add a straps across your front it all goes to shit, and I'm left feeling v self conscious. Give me a backpack any

Yeah, right. I saw him in *about* 2005 and he played the whole show in a wedding mask, off his face. I loved him but it was rubbish. I was well aware by then of the summer of 69 thing, whether or not it says true... I believe it though!

I love Margaret Atwood, but is she ‘the’ feminist sci-fi author? I’d nominate Ursula LeGuin for that honour!

Oh oh I’m British (so what do I know, right?) but I assumed TLC just stood for tender loving care and was really schmaltzy! I’ve learnt something, thanks!

English person here - I don’t get it, does EVERYONE do this in America because literally no one I know has ever done this? And I honestly do know lots of people!