Jon Campbell

Lots of cut footage from films was secretly saved by people involved in the production. Such “lost” treasures were often traded in secret (because technically they’re stolen property). There’s a well-known story about a musical number cut from “A Star Is Born” which was retrieved from a private collector with the aid

How about on “Move Over, Darling”, then?

No. There are other newer things for newer audiences who won’t watch older things. The older thing is still there to be watched, a newer thing of the older thing doesn’t entice newer people to watch the older thing. People who will only watch newer things don’t need to be tricked or enticed into watching the older

I did not. I haven’t seen “Obsession” for many years but loved it.

I was amazed by that scene - both by how dark it was, and by how necessary that darkness was for the Marvel Family payoff. And what a payoff!

It didn’t really start getting its due until DVDs and proper aspect ratio became the norm - with its innovative use of split-screen photography, it just did not work when the picture was butchered for square-pictured tv screens.

I think he is mixing up “personal expression” with “professional expression”. Critics aren’t criticizing his personal expression.

You 100% cannot mention “I Just Called To Say I Love You” without mentioning that Wonder had to return the Oscar, because the song wasn’t written specifically for the movie.