
Considering how so many movies, shows, and comic books have a girlfriend die as motivation for the male protagonist, I think the props are still called for.

So Jimmy's plan was:

Why did they pick lead as the Daxamites weakness? Couldn't the writers have picked something that's not poisonous to humans, or made up a fictional element to pump into the atmosphere? There are so many problems with that plotpoint.

I mean, Scott directed Prometheus too, so he's sort of being disrespectful to…himself?

You're might be thinking of The Handmaid's Tale.

"And if you had, say, lung cancer, would you still act the same way?"

I found Bill's gaze at the Doctor was more of "Okay, so you really /do/ care about lives, even after our previous conversation about death" rather than "Wow, you're such a good person".

For a show that argues for the separation of church and state, this episode sure made me go "Jesus Christ" a lot.

My favourite movie reference was Gibson wearing Dolores Haze's heart shaped sunglasses from Lolita.

Why is it always Sara who gets the fake out deaths?

I like that the sfx for Sunny don't work sometimes. I mean, if she always looked like a real life baby, wouldn't it just be disturbing?

Once again, it's Reptile ROOM Part Two. Why does the stray observations say Reptile House, when the article itself says it correctly?

For the record, this joke isn't mine. It was taken from the webcomic "Brawl In the Family".

Molly: Hello?
Sherlock: Hey Molly. Let's say I went to a store, where everything's arranged alphabetically. There's Aisle of A, Aisle of B, and so on. What would come after Aisle of T?

*Reptile ROOM. Not House. Alliteration is key.

I enjoyed the first season, but all the while feeling like the only reason I like it is the nostalgia factor. It makes me happy to see that there are people who had never read the books enjoying it too.

Holy shit, this year is the tenth anniversary of The Simpsons Movie.

To be honest, I was kinda hoping they'd get different people to voice Batman and the Joker.

I loved it.

Well, clearly Dowd's talking about paint, in the context of the sentence.