
Did you see Sam Bee’s piece on how poor women have trouble affording diapers for their kids? And how Republicans think these women shouldn’t be able to pay for diapers with food stamps? And if you can’t afford to buy diapers, you probably should have thought about that before you went and got yourself pregnant, slut?

I would add to your bill an amendment where they would have to make a Cersei Lannister Walk of Shame in their birthday suits with women throwing used tampons and pads at them.

If legislators care SO DAMN MUCH about black and brown babies, they could, you know, address the poverty, lack of educational opportunity, lack of parental leave and affordable childcare options, shitty sex ed and access to contraception and reproductive care, and myriad other factors that actually influence into

So suddenly they “care” about people of color?? Lol ‘kay.

I want to run for Congress, win and draft a bill to make it legal for American citizens to punch these guys in the dick.