
Actually, it's less a documentary than a video ese.

That's a nicely ironic username/comment juxtaposition you got going, Mr. @avclub-cbe8412e7469c2bba155a2a353401e5b:disqus .

If there were ever a thread that called for that Idi Amin commenter to show up it's this one.

I'm going to assume he also plays first base.

When you came pulling in here, @avclub-f41c98ac606e9b29fce2d59f71df434d:disqus , did you see a sign outside that said "Dead Dalek Storage"?

Call your broker and tell him to sink your portfolio into granite slates and parchment scrolls.

Kids aren't human. They're proto-human.

While cutting-edge technology in film may look dated, one thing that never looks dated is quality Samsonite luggage. Made from genuine gorilla!

A dog, a panic, in a pagoda!

In a crossover with Curb Your Enthusiasm, the entire Breaking Bad universe is revealled to be the fictional setting for "Porno" Gil Thelander's role as Saul Goodman in Res Ipsa Cocklicker.

@Baramos if you're planning on doing that I'd probably advise against it.

That plot made no sense: Adamantium's supposed to be utterly indestructible in its solid form, and it was bound to Wolverine's skeleton as a single, cohesive structure, yet Magneto pulled it apart like string cheese. This means that adamantium can be destroyed by tensile forces, which you'd think would have been a

Netflix: We Don't Know What "Linear" Means.

"Worst. . . existence. . .ever!"


Sure, the cock was economically disadvantaged, but that hardly seems relevant to the discussion.

I don't understand why anyone would trust a house that uses an instrument of torture and execution as a banner to fly under.

Bloomberg's ignoring the fact that rappers usually issue their boasts in terms of their total compensation package.

I hate to break it to you, but yes it is: Becoming a world-class ventriloquist requires literally hours of practice.

Morrissey? Is he that Egyptian fellow who's been in the news lately?