Wait. Was this written by an actual Doberman?
Wait. Was this written by an actual Doberman?
Your timelines are mixed up, brah. Benoit and Guerrero "crossed over" in 2007 and 2005, respectively.
Your timelines are mixed up, brah. Benoit and Guerrero "crossed over" in 2007 and 2005, respectively.
Can't the guy who replaced him on Weekend Update do it?
Can't the guy who replaced him on Weekend Update do it?
And since she gained that weight I have a large enough surface to do my crosswords!
And since she gained that weight I have a large enough surface to do my crosswords!
Yes. Have you considered a career in policing?
Yes. Have you considered a career in policing?
Are you admitting it now or were you speaking rhetorically?
Are you admitting it now or were you speaking rhetorically?
Hate to break it to you but you're probably wasting your time.
Hate to break it to you but you're probably wasting your time.
I do most of my reading while inside your mom.
I do most of my reading while inside your mom.
People also spend money on Hi & Lois anthologies instead of donating it to medical research.
People also spend money on Hi & Lois anthologies instead of donating it to medical research.