
Steve Grogan and Morgan Stanley were HUGE around here, as was John Hannah.

You've been leaving for 20 minutes now, go away and accept your beating like a good little bitch.

"Street cred"? You were here for literally 24 fucking months. Honestly, quit while you're ahead because you are getting a beatdown here.

Much better than your's which was "throw random unfounded comment out based on limited exposure" then see what sticks.

Moving the goal posts I see. YOU stated it was all Brady then I pointed out multiple seasons where Brady wasn't either playing or the team was mediocre. If it wasn't a management issue then that means inevitably the Browns improved greatly when he left (NOPE) or went downhill once he joined the Patriots (NOPE AGAIN).

Her ya go dipshit:

They made the playoffs 7 times in the 80s and 90s with 2 SB appearances, that isn't shitty as a lot of teams never even make 1 SB.

He was 36-44, that isn't "sucking" when 1 out of the 4 seasons took them to the playoffs. I'd blame management more so than coaching, since Modell announced he was moving the team, keeping Bill as coach and then firing him abruptly. The Browns have sucked pretty much since then....not because of coaching.

And you're still backpedaling over this readily available info that you still can't produce.

"...Physics, that's evidence. The Patriots had 11 of 12 balls under inflated by 2 PSI below the minimum allowed amount. "

What's worse is that you live in a town for only TWO GODDAMN YEARS and suddenly have complete knowledge of how everyone "thinks" in a big city. That is why everyone is correcting your stupidity.

We = our team/supporters of said team

If it's readily available it would take a second to link, and since you made the statement you need to back it up or STFU, plain and simple. None of those BS Rolling Stone-type articles from "sources close", but actual proof numbnuts. All of this handwaving and goalpost moving doesn't win you any arguments idiot.

(sigh...) They went 11-5 his first year as coach in 2000, Brady wasn't even playing! Then in 2002 they missed the playoffs after winning the SB when Brady WAS the QB! When Brady went out injured in the first game in 2007 how did they do? 11-5. If it was ALL Brady none of those would even happen!

Oh Jesus Christ, shut it already. It was already proven they scored 28 points with legal footballs, and there is absolutely ZERO evidence proving the Patriots did anything illegal as of now, otherwise provide a link or get lost.

The league was literally half the size when he coached, which was before the merger. Having a 1 in 16 chance vs. a 1 in 32 chance is entirely different. Plus there were only 2 conferences.

Yup, season ticket holder here and their sellout streak has been going on for almost 2 decades.

We just won another WS without those two or most of the players they brought in. Having said that, enjoy your mediocre sports town!

...and yet you refuted nothing. I clearly stated "fired the day he was deemed a SUSPECT in a murder investigation that hasn't even gone to trial"

An hour later, balls were deflated.