
The guy sounds like an idiot, but I will say that when someone is bit by a poisonous snake, you are supposed to suck the poison out. With your mouth. It sounds weird, but the poison is more dangerous in your veins than your mouth. You suck it out and spit it out.

That's true, they can't force you. I remember when I was on it, I signed a document stating that I was on 2 methods and also something that said that my doctor showed me graphic pictures of the deformed babies; which, she had.

Right?? I have heard of her, but it was like 10 years ago. My question is: why are they the lead story on dirtbag?? Not famous enough for that.

Try Nexplanon! Body can't kick it out. No period, it's awesome.

Thanks! I like that pronounciation better.

Ok maybe you can help me. How do you pronounce her name? I've asked this before and no one responded. Is it ah-za-LEE-a or a-ZAY-lia (like the flower)?

Complex carbs in general are only bad for you in that in excess, they will keep the pounds on. In moderation, they are important to your everyday health.

Tomato, celery, carrot, red and green peppers, cucumber.

He'll be creeyyying himself to sleep on his huuge pilla!!

Uugh I just had a terrible *physical* reaction to this picture.

I believe the police were called because she was a threat to her family and they were scared.

I'm sure it will be a lot better than that Jessica Simpson piece of shit remake. Can I just say that I am really glad that JSimp is out of our lives? She's detestable.

Isn't that ableism? Having a child is incredibly rewarding and having a disabled child is just as rewarding. They are not disposable because they have a disablity. It is harder and yes can be more expensive. But how can someone know that they have a disabled child and think that it isn't worth the extra time and

I know what you are saying and that we should trust women, but I just don't get it. It's like I'm ready for a baby, I am very excited, oh no, he won't be exactly what I wanted?? Forget it. I know this sounds hokey but I feel like I, as the mother love my baby like no one else will. How can one be in love with a

I'm horrified by the number of people that abort thinking the baby has Down Syndrome. Disgusted. Since when is the end-game perfect babies? I think that is cowardly to abort a baby for being less-than perfect. Yes, it will be a lot of extra hard work. Yes, life will be different than planned. But life is not

20% is minimum in my opinion. And I will round up from there. I'm embarrassed about anything less.

Also because they tell TMZ. There is no way they would do this in private. Not the lady who televises her life.

I saw the thumbnail of her twitter picture and I thought it was that annoying picture of the woman on the beach with no legs- you know the picture that's on every gossip site.

Same here - my younger sister is phenomenally more successful than me. We are almost 3 years apart.

Exactly! You shouldn't even have to explain it. I don't know how this goes "whoosh" right over someone's head.