Joann Prinzivalli

He’s probably just referring to earlier iterations of the program.

I think New York state (possibly others) now mandates electronic prescriptions. They definitely do for schedule II controlled substances.

They fucked up the MHP situation so badly. She deserved a better time than she was given. But having someone like her AND Rachel on both every night in the evening would be too wonky for me.

1) May God bless you. I am sorry for your loss.

At first I was like, “Oh yeah, turkey salad, can’t believe I didn’t think of that myself, better grab the mayo,” and then you were like

Get Out doesn’t neatly fall into the two standard categories of drama and comedy. And horror films rarely receive serious recognition: although there’s no essential reason they shouldn’t, and definitely not in this case. It’s a great film: surprising, relevant, visionary and (in all the best ways) shocking.

It’s satire - that’s why it’s in the comedy category. It’s not really a horror movie, it just uses the horror format and horror tropes to tell its satirical story. Oh, and Kumail Nanjiani is totally gong to win.

I hate to focus on this but I have been flabbergasted by the amount of inaccurate reporting about Jenkins and the other trans candidates who won office this year. She’s the first trans elected official! Oops, she’s the first out trans elected official! Oops, no, she’s the first out trans woman of color! Oops, no,

To play devil’s advocate, you can call Lee a great general in a very similar vein you’d call Rommel a great general.

It all sounds cool, but if it needs a spark to ignite the fuel/air is it really “compression ignition”?

Good analogy. One only looks sort of not bad since the other is so much worse.

Gasp! The Clinton Campaign paid for opposition research? OMG! Say it isn’t so! Next you are going to tell me that there is no Santa Claus!

As the owner of over ten thousand books that I’ve had to haul around for decades, I adore my Kindle.

A small crock pot with the lid cracked is way more energy efficient for this application.

This doesnt have a lot to do with this particular article, but I’m loving your recent photoshop work

I doubt it was the Kardashian watchers; my money says those didn’t vote. It was the Megyn Kelly watchers.

This keeps coming to birth control leads to people having babies. Which leads to the GOP wanting to protect the unborn but woe is the child and mother after birth.

I still don’t understand why we can’t link tax rates for businesses to pay for employees. “You pay your employees well, your tax rate goes down” is how it would be rigged up. As a benefit, now the employees are making $$$, so THEY make enough to pay taxes.