Kinda seems like you’re missing the real problem with that outfit. The boots are the only thing reasonable about it. It’s almost specifically designed to make it impossible to do any work in, while trying to look like she’s there to do work.
Kinda seems like you’re missing the real problem with that outfit. The boots are the only thing reasonable about it. It’s almost specifically designed to make it impossible to do any work in, while trying to look like she’s there to do work.
We mocked her for the stilettos and now we’re going to mock her for practical boots? It seems more likely that Donny yelled at her for the negative comments she got on her heels, rather than her trying to be “relateable.”
So let’s say I’m a gay man. I date men. You fire me for that. You would not fire a woman for dating men. It follows from simple logic that you are discriminating against me based on my sex, relative to the people that I date. Exactly how do you argue against this logic without being painfully and blatantly…
Actually I disagree, and I don’t see how this isn’t a simple argument. They’re saying sex does not equal sexual orientation in these cases. That’s simple to disprove. If you fire me for being gay, you are firing me because of my sex relative to the sex of my partner. You would not fire me if I was a woman having sex…
but found its width encouraged the time-wasting habit of repeatedly fiddling with window sizes to fit multiple apps on a single screen
Tom McP is the only human I would trust to pick out a car on my behalf. Maybe he could start a business doing this?
When I moved to Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, a decade ago, it was easy to find affordable housing in safe…
What you are saying is that bikes are not technically prohibited then?
I submitted a correction years ago to Google because Google Maps told users to take the 17 bridge to get across the James River from Newport News, VA. The correct way is to take the Ferry since bikes are not allowed on the bridge. About a year later they responded that I was right and made the correction. No reward,…
It’s lorry
Could it be that Jason Drives is coming back soon, to be the only ray of hope in our miserable lives? Hmm...
On Tuesday, Defense Secretary James Mattis announced that transgender people will continue to be allowed to serve in…
This is good news, but leaving people in this state of limbo is still really shitty. I suppose if you are Donald Trump’s Defense Secretary, this is probably the best you can do.
On Monday, the ACLU filed a federal lawsuit against the Trump administration’s decision to ban transgender people…
That first link is terrible, as ‘into’ is not a synonym for ‘in order to’. (I put my toys in order to the box, anyone?)
The technology Ford uses on its aluminum bodied F150 could make for a nice 2019 Lincoln Continental convertible.
Makes great Simon and Garfunkel chicken. I roast a chicken using those exact herbs plus some garlic. If you want to get fancy, put a bacon blanket on top.