
The original Sweeney was very famous in Britain and is still fondly remembered.  I know this is an American website but you 'guys' never seem to realise these things work both ways and British people don't actually give a toss about films about Rounders, American Football and Prom Nights either.  Just because you

Film makers making films about film makers, writers writing about writers and poets writing about how hard it is to write a poem should be rounded up, chained together and thrown into Mount Etna.  Rembrand gets a pass on the old self portraits though.  

I agree that Saved shouldn't be on this list.  Dylan performs with real fire and commitment and it's going through the motions dreck like "Empire Burlesque" which was churned out for no particular reason when that particular fervour had faded which should be seen as the nadir.  

Captain Dada was making a Bob Dylan related joke, GH.