
Is irrelevant to this discussion because no one coerced these women or exploited them, and sure-as-fuck nobody is profiting off them. But hey, its edgy and hip to dismiss any form of devotion and discipline as a cult, so good on you for having the penetrating insight of a smarmy 18-year old.

Why haven’t I realized that a wheelchair is actually an accessory?!

she wants to live like common people
she wants to do whatever common people do
she wants to hike with common people
like you

Holy Fucking Christ! They remind me of female baboons who display their asses to all the boy baboons. Except they get an inordinate amount of money and attention for their display. And I hate myself, because I’m on the internet commenting upon their ass display.

Thank Christ we are normal everyday people and don't have to do this type of shit to feel valid. Poor Kylie just wants to wear sweats and climb some hills.

Of interest: The porn industry is quicker to drop someone over allegations of rape than the NFL or NCAA.

I used to read Joana Angel’s blog years ago when Burning Angel became a thing. She discovered Deen (or at least cast him a lot when he started) and (according to Wikipedia) dated him for six years. If she’s publicly supporting Stoya I imagine there’s a decent chance she saw something in his behavior personally, or

I’m so impressed by these young women who recognize the issues and speak out on it. When I was 22 I think I was still in the “If I work hard and colour inside the lines then I can earn a place.” and hadn’t yet recognized all the systemic issues that meant that that wasn’t true for everyone, and maybe wasn’t true for

Things I hate to admit (journalist here):

This may be the first (and last) time I agree with/like Combs, but he’s right. Good for him.

fucking ruined my day watching her dear fat people video. i can’t believe i made it to minute 4. so irritating. her most recent video that was uploaded 5 days ago is 7 minutes of “fuck you, you fucking baby. i don’t care if you’re offended.”

I agree. She should have attempted to handle it before the show. She is so bad. When a person of color is trying to make a point and mainstream culture hijacks that then the POC starts fighting the original war and the sidetracking war. WTLF. Shut up. Mind your own business. Try to understand. Play with your blonde

Good for Nicki for calling Miley out. I just hope tomorrow the media won’t attack Nicki for doing so.

great, now i’m going to spend the rest of my night writing lord of the rings/lady pop star crossover fan fiction

Oooooooooooo. Miley.

rip miley cyrus

but hey, at least he’s still skinny!

“Let me tell you. The queen, yes, the queen, was asking, just begging, for me to come in and fix their economy. Problem is, she never had a sense for business. I bought a tea service business that was doing horrible over there. Just losing money. Going bankrupt. I buy it, now it’s turning a huge profit. The people

Oh look, another attempt to shrug off male violence as just “some individual with mental health issues”!