
One of my rules to live by is to always assume that if it involves quantum theory, I’ve misunderstood it.

I’m the same way, I actually enjoyed QoS quite a bit. I felt like the story just moved along better than Skyfall and a lot of other Bond movies.

Your exactly right. When I first saw it I was like “meh” I watch casino 2 nights ago and QoS last night. Its so much better after casino, hard to say why, but I also am not in the majority as I don’t think skyfall is the best bond ever. I did like it, but there was a good chunk I rolled my eyes at.

I know.

Plaid flannel is my “little black dress”.

Yes and no. Yes, it works best if you think of CR and QoS as two chapters of the same story. Totally agree. The no part is that I think it’s better than pretty decent. I just watched it again a couple of nights ago since the first time it came out and I liked it considerably more than previously. I think it’s due for

I loved the continuity of the two movies. Really disappointed in Skyfall, as I thought they had a great opportunity to keep going on a great thread with the Quantum organization. (I’m guessing Spectre is the parent company)

Somewhat related: I just discovered flannel sheets for this winter season and now I never, ever, ever want to leave my bed. Fucking fuck these are comfortable. But they’re not plaid flannel, which I consider a plus.

I read No. 27 as “When you realize you’re starting to regularly match your crotch” and now I can’t stop laughing. I’m 35 years old.

Skyfall had one job to do, which was establish that James Bond was a code name. It failed miserably.

Quantum of Solace was a much better vision for “the future of James Bond” than Skyfall. Skyfall was just a more straightforward, but less-sensical, rehash of the character development we saw in QoS. Skyfall was beautiful and Javier Bardem was wonderfully bonkers. But it didn’t make any sense, and the only points it

Nope, you’re not alone. Agree that it’s nowhere near as good as Casino Royale, but I don’t think it’s nearly as bad as many people make it out to be.

Thank you. I just don’t get all the Skyfall love.

Nope, right there with you. I also think Skyfall is crap.

QoS works well when you watch it immediately after Casino. As a stand-alone, it’s pretty mediocre, but as Part 2, it’s pretty decent.

Am I the only one that liked QoS? No, not nearly as good as Casino, but Casino is far-and-away the best Bond movie ever.

The most interesting part about this is that the NFLPA filed their case in Minnesota, where they have had favorable rulings in the past. Yesterday, the NFL asked the federal court in NY to affirm their suspension in order to take this case away from Minnesota before the NFLPA could file there. Will be interesting to

Who goes out on a first date in a big forest alone? That screams “YOU WILL BE MURDERED” to me.

Caitlin Jenner doesn’t have a fucking clue what it’s like to be an ordinary transgendered person. She’s white, hugely wealthy, lives in a progressive west-coast area, holds grossly hypocritical political views, and is insulated from the vast majority of harms and troubles that other trans women experience as part of

I don’t know if this will happen but it would make for compelling viewing if I Am Cait were to explore such (less-than-glamourous) angles. Surely, this would resonate with those in the transgender community living with depression, feeling isolated and/or experiencing suicidal-ideation.