
Why is this still a thing? II mean, I know why it’s still a thing, what I’m saying is WHY IS THIS STILL A THING. fuck

They’ve expressed their concerns...repeatedly! I feel better now

i pretended to be socially and emotionally well adjusted for awhile but convinced no one

Maybe she’s trying to one up Madonna?

Side benefit from all the devil worshipping she did preparing for angel heart?

If someone hasn’t requested already, could the justice department please do the same with the nfl? Thank you.

“the very first intentionally hashtag-free post-Instagram wedding I’ve attended”

If this wasn’t such a serious and creepy issue, I would make a maxi dress joke here.

It’s not that I don't appreciate all the times you bought my coffee when you saw me in uniform. It’s definitely a thoughtful gesture. But if you really want to thank me for my service, you can collectively raise holy hell with your elected representatives about how injured veterans are cared for in this country when

Eh. I feel like there’s a place for the drunk aunt/uncle at the wedding reception who goes on and on about how the happy couple is making the worst mistake of their lives, etc. It’s a pretty standard trope and I thought I made that obvious in the hash tag by explicitly denying that I wasn’t bitter. Which obvs means

it was not that. It was an attempt at self deprecating humor. I guess it didn’t work though since you didn’t laugh

sorry you lost me

Congrats on your freedom to participate in an antiquated and outdated institution! #imnotbitterimcynicalthereisadifference

my child wore nothing but overalls until he was like 5 for that very reason

This is actually a pretty common argument for the necessity of an externally imposed morality. Paul said without God all things are permissible, etc. Also, I was discussing morality with a guy online once and he straightforwardly and matter of factly told me that if it wasn’t for the potential wrath of god, he would

Doing good things isn’t complicated or hard.