Jo Andrews

I honestly don't understand the reviewer's obsession with Geillis. So she's 'mysterious'. I get that she has a further story, given that she's from the future (I haven't read the books yet). But she's barely a character so far. I can only assume that it's down to an obsession with witches and/or lesbian wish

It's pretty well established in the series that Matt can determine if someone's lying based on heartbeat, and possibly body temperature fluctuations or other tells, like a sort of human (or superhuman) lie detector. Normally I'd agree with you, but in this case I buy torture as a way of extracting information.

I kind of disagree about it being hard to sympathise with Jack because he is acting selfishly. It's well established that he doesn't like to have to throw fights, and that he's short of money. Here he's offered a chance at the big time by fighting with Creel, but he has to intentionally blow it. Yes there's a bit of