BP Logo?
BP Logo?
You sir are correct!
Where is the 4 edge?
Well everyone mentioned that the shot wasn't close to the center...soooo I'll just find my way out of this post.
@ZeDudeAbides: lol. You sir are a special case, make sure you keep wearing your gloves and keep your phone strapped to your wrist in case you drop it.
Sooo everything is about the iPhone? Yes I know I can turn it off but I don't want to, all the horror stories make me smile!
I'm totally loving this! Sprry Ryan, I know it sucks a lot to be without a phone but that phone looked like dudu from the beginning when you guys first "acquired" it...
Goes to show that a rushed product belongs in the hands of idiots...
I'm saddened that this is on any website...I'm going to go cry for humanity now.
The Samsung :) (Smile) will make you :( (frown) no tech-y specs 1.3MP cam. seriously?
I have a facebook staltker...I'm not a "hot chick/girl" I'm a a big dude but I know I'm hot stuff! Lol but to help my stalker everything on my page is public.
@Brak: someone was on crunchgear today! lol
Totally Awesome! I can now use this as my ring-tone!!
@SQLGuru: Either that guy is a beast or the track makes it much simpler, it looked like he wasn't struggling at all.
This is awesome tech along with 6th Sense....Pranav is a genius!
YaY Sony!!
@aec007: Do I print it and wipe?
She was kidding right?! This is a joke, why wouldn't she have called every other time Google has put something on their logo? I know this one has sound but still come on!
@Elvisisdead: Most CEOs now don't know squat look at Nardelli worked for Home Depot and Chrysler and those two companies have dropped a lot of ground (one even failed).
@phoenix6666: Keep your broken Razr...