
@RainyDayInterns: You know what I sit at home basically doing nothing.

This guy is an idiot, this is one of the reasons the economy is in the state that it is in; idiots get the jobs and people who are qualified have to sit at home eating soup from a can and watch Springer...sad day when he becomes the CEO of some other company.

@roninpenguin: A/C is my best friend, lol. Stay inside and don't get too hot!

@roninpenguin: The humidity and the temp. make a person feel nasty hot and uncomfortable, 95 degrees and the humidity that is present right now because of all the rain is maddening... I know Phoenix is hot but your temps drop at night right? Here it gets down to 85/87...

Very nice...internal specs are kind of hot!


@FredStone: I had a copy of the info I had but I didn't have to take it out, because they knew it was their stuff when I spoke about the project.

@Jen007: I don't think a normal job seeker would have found it, it took me about two hours to get the info.

@SpudDude: Yeah, I'm sitting here right

I do this! I actually found something I wasn't supposed to find and when I mentioned it the interviewers were like "WTF? How you know about that?"

Can I just slap the keyboard?

Opera Mini is awesome, I love it on my E71...much faster than the default browser on my phone.

Sci-fi predicting real life, the only things they might be getting wrong are the years.

And people today are impressed by the iPad?? The iPad should be a robot by now; it should cook and wash the dishes, how can Apple be going backwards?