
A single one of those videos contains more actual fighting than the entire TV series did.

Am I wrong to think it should absolutely be a requirement to shower before sleeping after flying on a germ-infested plane?

Monument Valley 2 exists!? How long has that been out??

Junior year of HS after football season: of course a football coach taught the weight training class I was in and he wanted me and another couple guys to bulk up for next season. He was preaching “See it, eat it” as the only dietary concern.

On Kettle Chips and their sharpness:

Tangled is a pretty good movie and I See The Light is a pretty good ass song.

So you rip him for a long article by writing a take-down that is at least as long? As soon as I saw this salty ass headline I knew it was a Burneko piece.

You oughta chill out on the “sexual assault” claims. He was trying to put his arm around his dancing partner (the person that he’s likely had TONS of physical contact with over the past couple weeks while practicing) and due to him being seated and her doing a twirl, his hand accidentally landed in an inappropriate

When I was a teenager some other teenager that I didn’t know shot a spitwad from the passenger seat of the car driving next to me. The prick was a good shot because the thing hit me in the cheek. The only thing I had to retaliate with was a nearly full 32oz bottle of Gatorade. The stupid assholes slowed down waaaaay

Is there a coupon code I’m missing? Or did I miss the deal?

Is there a coupon code I’m missing? Or did I miss the deal?

It would still have to be linemen due to an absolutely unstoppable run game.

You keep ALL the butter in the fridge? How the fuck do you spread it when the time comes? We always have one stick in the butter dish at room temp for those situations.

As a Husky fan who is visible in the header image, I gotta say: I am quite enjoying the trajectories of all teams in the PNW.

They do!? Oh man if those little damn Thomas the Tank Minis have a peephole that I haven’t noticed before I am going to be pissed.

Nah, it’s a once in a lifetime event (if you’re smart or lucky) so why not go all out? You can always take a vacation, you can’t always be the guest of honor at a party with literally everyone who is important in your life.

If you like this picture, then this coffee table book is your jam.

How did a dude with a voice like that get a job on TV?

Freshman year of high school for me was 1999, meaning the librarians manning the computer lab didn’t know what the fuck they were doing with computers. My friend and I went in and messed with Word’s auto-replace feature, so innocuous words were getting replaced with garden variety swears or sometimes even a whole

When I was in first grade, some older kids on the bus convinced me flipping people off was the coolest. I flipped off some elderly people once and they waved in response - when the older kids laughed, I thought I was THE SHIT so I kept it up. The problem came when I gave the same lady the bird 3 days in a row; she

I was an accessory to something similar. Me and two friends had snuck out one night freshman year to smoke cigars. We saw a car broken down on what is normally a very busy street, but at 1am only had cars passing once a minute or so. My friends absolutely destroyed that car with rocks; anytime they heard a car coming