Jerry Wiegert's Hair Helmet - Deceased

And the Stig is actually

OK, hold on there cowboy. TDIs weren’t great and that was the problem. VW engineered that noose, made sure it fit, tested it multiple times and then put it around their own neck, then just tried to cover it up with a scarf. VW can fucking burn for that cheat. They did more damage to small diesel engines than

he had a bunch of other cars stored there? was it a chop shop?

Was he Chopping Broccoli?

Broccoli: “I watched him jump in the car and floret!”

So it was a Broccoli Rob-bery?

And they have mexican coke, to boot.

How could you overlook the contributions of Jalopnik's commentariat?

Most old articles survived Univision and now G/O ownership. The same cannot be said for photos. G/O’s legal department demanded the deletion of most old photos, including some of Torch’s drawings, so those are gone forever.

But they caught me on the backseat (It wasn’t me)

I’d stay away from used couches out of Ohio, too.

What happened to this country? Disgusting, immoral, illegal things like this are why I use a stolen identity!

Two words: Rich Energy 

The Goodyear RV tire story was the pinnacle of Jalopnik investigative, independent reporting that rattled a giant and held them accountable instead of letting it get swept under a rug. Incredible work by Felton and a high water mark for Jalopnik as an outlet. https://jalopnik.com/how-goodyear-hid-evidence-of-the-worst-

Kind of hope they conceived. Such a story for little Schuylkill to hear one day. Legends. 

“Lotus is in a really rough place right now ... “

This is a mermaid calling you to your doom.....run away!

I’ll be praying for you and hope everything goes smooth.

How about getting a young FBI agent with blonde hair and a nice smile to go undercover to infiltrate the local scene of outlaw drivers? Maybe he gets a job at a parts store that sells NOS cylinders and intakes?

The planes should also be painted to look like sharks. It won’t save any fuel, but it will look fun.

The langoliers strike again.