That is just convenient.
How do people think this is worth it?
Gorgeous color (and this coming from a guy with a silver GT4 and who refuses to buy gold jewelry for his wife- white gold or platinum only which luckily she likes too). I am also drooling over the new Range Rover in gold. What is happening to me?!
Who doesn’t want to see GWAR though.
and be available as a crate engine with an adapter kit so it can be swapped in for the old 4.0L I-6.
Am I wrong for wanting the new straight six to be slanted?
Ever heard of The Rime of the Ancient Mariner with the fisherman forced to wear a dead albatross around his neck?
Well done, that was the first thought that entered my mind as well. I leased a 2017 Giulia and I loved it. Unfortunately my love affair was one-sided and ten months into the lease she left me for good (through lemon law) after her heart (uh, electrical systems) went astray a few too many times and I was forced to…
Italian Temptress that will treat me badly and make it hurt, you have changed my mind, NP
“We’ve been trying to reach you about your car’s extended warranty.”
It’s funny because 69 means simultaneous oral sex.
Fun Fact: Jeddah was where Idi Amin, the Butcher of Uganda, was allowed to live out his days after exile. The Saudis believed that, as a Muslim, he should be allowed to live there, despite the fact that many victims during his brutal reign were, in fact, Muslim.
Full of sound and fury, signifying nothing
...Volkswagen sends you a letter in the mail telling you so.
Sometimes, I open my garage to look at my cars when I have no intention to use them. It reminds me that America is awesome and that if you work a fuckton you can own basically whatever you want.