
ZeniMax pulling a King.com. Wow. How about not spending time and money bullying small indie devs and MAKE A FUCKING GAME ALREADY?

Funny thing is all that destruction in Metroplois was done by Zod and his crew while Supes was taking out that engine in the Indian Ocean. It seems people forget that in this universe this the first time Clark has used his powers like this or fought anyone with powers like his. Do people expect there to be no

So just make another Superman movie like the Reeves films? Yeah no thanks. Sorry but this was a Superman film, I am sick and tired of people saying it's not a Superman film just because they didn't like it. This movie was more about Clark and his journey to Superman and Lets not forget this is the first time Clark

Superman: Earth One - Volume 3 is not a good comic-book story. But it's one that stands in direct opposition to the sorta-okay Superman movie that came out in 2013. It pushes back at that thing that happened in the movie. You know, the thing that pissed off a lot of Superman fans.

The flaws in people's arguments over Man of Steel could hide the missing AirAsia planes.

I'm sorry, but the complaint that superman killed a person who vowed that they would never stop trying to wipe out the entire human race, and who was nearly unstoppable, is completely and utterly ridiculous.

Both Kryptonians are recovering from being de-powered by human super-science and are far less powerful. They slug it out but Superman never even comes close to snapping the neck of his parents' murderer. However, someone does kill Zod. It's just not just Superman. This whole sequence feels like a weird compromise. He

There was no "love" in her reboot. Just sex. She had no other real traits. It was purely physical, purely emotionless, purely without empathy, intimacy, or kindness.

I got so excited but then really disappointed about the live action part. Just do a fucking (good) cartoon for christ's sake. Or something CGI but not shitty looking. The adventures of toon link. :P

It had promise, but it went pretty far off the rails toward the end. It was already losing me with all the bizarre religious imagery and hallucinations, but Shinji jacking it on comatose Askua's boob was the final straw.

Almost exactly one year later...

Holy fuck, the people replying to you are the embodiment of everything Millenials are always accused of - self-centred and entitled to the max. "We pay for this so we can do whatever the fuck we want in class." Yeah, nah, this is not how college works. Playing with your phone in class is disrespectful, and your

I just read all the replies you had to this and can I say...

Or...you know, do what ended up happening in many classes at the college I went to when it became a problem. Teacher confiscated all phones at the beginning of class (unless there was an emergency situation where a student actually needed their phone, at which point it remained on the desk) and returned them at the

Usopp's bicycle is missing "one piece"... sorry ¬¬

Essentially: nacho cheese isn't real, people.

I am honestly amused and astounded how often folks like to complain about how software "looks". I could not care less. As long as it works I am a happy camper. I mean, hell, I have to look at myself in the mirror every morning, who am I to judge? LOL. Been using LibreOffice for a couple years now and have liked

To be fair, every time Nintendo has tried to "compete" since the N64, it's always come with some sort of stupid caveat of having to deal with it being on there. N64, it was carts and the controller. GameCube, it was the mini-discs, and the controller. Wii, it was the wonky online, the controller, the graphics. Wii U,

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